What is Crime Solvers?

What is Crime Solvers? Stafford County Crime Solvers is a community program geared toward public involvement in the fight against crime. Crime Solvers offers cash rewards up to $1,000.00, and anonymity to people who provide information that results in the arrest or resolution of an unsolved crime, recovery of stolen property, or seizure of illegal drugs. When a call is received by Crime Solvers, a fact sheet is filled out with date, time and a brief summary of the caller's information. The call taker assigns the caller a number. This number is used in subsequent calls to Crime Solvers, and if and when any reward is paid to the caller. The caller is given a phone number and asked to call back after the Crime Solver Board of Directors reviews the case for a possible reward. If the caller gives their name and phone number, that information is also logged, but is kept strictly confidential. (All callers remain anonymous, with no pressure to reveal their identity, while still collecting their rewards.) Confidentiality has played a key role in the success of Crime Solvers, and callers are not required to testify in court. If a caller's information results in the arrest or resolution of an unsolved case, the caller is given arrangements to receive his or her reward in CASH while preserving his or her anonymity.
The Crime Solvers Board of Directors, comprised of residents of Stafford County, oversees the operation of the program and approves the rewards to be paid. The determination of rewards is based on information presented by the Sheriff's Office Liaison. The Board of Directors has no knowledge of who called in the information -- only the facts of the case and the caller's Crime Solvers number. Crime Solvers is NOT a police program. Crime Solvers is funded entirely by private donations from concerned citizens and businesses. Volunteer citizen boards administer the program, raise funds and approve and pay rewards to "tipsters". Stafford Crime Solvers is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3)charitable corporation. It is an all volunteer citizen/business partnership that works with law enforcement and the media to obtain anonymously provided information to help law enforcement, and in turn, the community. Today there are over 1,000 Crime Solvers programs in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, Bahamas, British West Indies, Micronesia, and other nations.
The Crime Solvers Board of Directors, comprised of residents of Stafford County, oversees the operation of the program and approves the rewards to be paid. The determination of rewards is based on information presented by the Sheriff's Office Liaison. The Board of Directors has no knowledge of who called in the information -- only the facts of the case and the caller's Crime Solvers number. Crime Solvers is NOT a police program. Crime Solvers is funded entirely by private donations from concerned citizens and businesses. Volunteer citizen boards administer the program, raise funds and approve and pay rewards to "tipsters". Stafford Crime Solvers is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3)charitable corporation. It is an all volunteer citizen/business partnership that works with law enforcement and the media to obtain anonymously provided information to help law enforcement, and in turn, the community. Today there are over 1,000 Crime Solvers programs in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, Bahamas, British West Indies, Micronesia, and other nations.

Crime Doesn't Pay - But Crime Solvers Does!
Getting involved is easy - just download a copy of the Stafford Crime Solvers Application below, complete it and mail it to: Stafford Crime Solvers, PO Box 252, Hartwood Virginia 22471 or EMAIL to StaffordCrimeSolvers@gmail.com
(All applicants subject to security background check)
The Stafford Crime Solvers Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month. Location varies.
(All applicants subject to security background check)
The Stafford Crime Solvers Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month. Location varies.
Stafford Crime Solvers Executive Board
Gordon Shelton - Chairman
Dr. Belinda Robinson - Vice Chairman
Maureen Fitzgibbons- Treasurer
Dr. Belinda Robinson - Vice Chairman
Maureen Fitzgibbons- Treasurer